Friday, August 26, 2016

1. Endosperm

Corn kernals give a good representation of endosperm.  Endosperm is the part of the seed that acts as a food store for the developing plant embryo, usually containing starch with protein and other nutrients.  Other examples of this include inside of a coconut and grain seeds.

2. Territorial behavior

In this image, the grizzly bear demonstrates territorial behavior by becoming aggressive towards the wolves who are trying to capture the prey he has killed.  The wolves display this behavior as well because they are trying to take the bear's prey away from him and scare the bear away.  There is more than one wolf present showing that the wolves could be making an effort to instill fear in the bear.  However, the bear continues to show aggression in order to stand his ground and keep the prey he has killed.

3. Radial symmetry

Sea stars physically display radial symmetry.  Radial symmetry is symmetry around a central axis.  This organism could be divided into halves that are very similar to each other.  Other examples of this symmetry include butterflies, jellyfish, corals, etc.

4. Pollen

Pollen is produced by a variety of flowers.  Flowers have male parts called stamens that produce a sticky powder called pollen.  Pollen is yellow and consists of microscopic grains.  Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals.

5. Keystone species

Beavers are a good example of a Keystone species.  Keystone species is a species on which other species in an ecosystem largely depend, such that if it were removed, the ecosystem would change drastically.  By constructing dams, beavers create an ecosystem used by a wide variety of species.

6. Genetic variation within a population

This photo displays a population of minnows.  It shows how there can be genetic variation within a population because among the minnows, there are different colors, sizes, etc. shown.  The genes that each fish receives when born decides what physical traits that fish will have.  This happens not just with fish, but with populations of species everywhere including humans.

7. Flower ovary

In this picture, it shows a flower ovary which is located right by my forefinger.  A flower ovary is the part of the female reproductive organ of the flower.  Specifically, it is the part of the pistil which holds the ovule(s) and is located above or below or at the point of connection with the base of the petals and sepals.